Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Bruce Peninsula

Ontario has a place where it looks like the Bahamas, only the water is not very warm.

Where Lake Huron meets the Georgian Bay, there is a narrow strip of land with a jagged coastal line made of limestone bluffs, where the native forest is still pretty much intact.

At the tip of the peninsula there are two national parks side by side -- the Bruce Peninsula National Park and Fathom Five Marine Park, a mostly underwater national park. These shallow waters contain dozens of wrecked ships, now an attraction below and above the water.

Tobermory, a much-beloved town by divers, sailors and Indian tourists, is the main hub in the area. A sleepy boating town by the lake, it is sometimes shrouded by fog when the cool air form the bay meets the warmer continental air.

Flowerpot Island is a 20 minute boat ride from Tobermory. The name of the island refers to the two rock sea stacks standing on the eastern shoreline.

The day we were there, an alert was given about a black bear in the island. They usually stay in more isolated islands, but can swim great distances when they sniff a trash can. Unfortunately, we didn't see any bears, only snakes. And there were plenty more amazing and surreal sights to be seen.

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